Two pheasants, a pair of pheasants, sparrow by sparrow, climb a little, they are preparing, they are sitting together. The female is on the right and the partner is on the left.
The partner is happy to spoil it, it is fragile that it is experiencing this moment which it shows. Likewise, the partner has this concern but presents it more forcefully and does not express it easily.
He stands physically lower and she shrugs her shoulders with her fragility.
The partner seems from moment to moment to come hug him and without waiting he says something and "I'm here".
He has a man plus love and he goes away with a calmness and two words "GO", it's over, everything is fine, he opens his arms,
In fact, he does not feel or enjoy what he is doing.
His eyebrows are raised, because he feels bad, but he continues to have them because he naturally fell for them by force, unlike the girl who refused all the food.
He stops the tears and she doesn't.
I can see that he has run away from me, he is not even looking at the food that is left there.
Look at me, give me time to find the answer to why they are so bad
Do you know why:
These are not acquaintances now, they have known each other for a long time and were hurt for small things.
Both have joint investment, they have dignity and not arrogance, they have prudence. When they were "arguing", anyone who would listen would not understand that they are spoiling the fun of the other, that's how subtle they are.
They value their investment and are now revaluing it.
I really like the attitude of both of them and why they are so friendly - they are together, they are close, they give time to themselves, they respect themselves, the moment and theirs,
The girl did something wrong that he didn't expect, but not on purpose.
The degree and nature of the mistake is not low, as they say, ordinary mistakes, because this characterizes the high class and this "mistake" is tasteless, has no place in "their"
Do you know why I said that they are pheasants? Anyone would contradict me, because they know pheasants by their beauty with those open feathers full of shine,..
In fact, they have closed and collected the feathers and the shine has fallen.
They also have "WE"

Dy fazan cift shpind per shpind ngjite pak prishaqejf ,po prep bashke rrine.Femra djathtas e partneri majtas.
Partnerja eshte me qejf te prishun ,e brishte qe po e perjeton kete momentte te cilen e cfaq .Po ashtu dhe partneri e ka kete shqetesim por paraqet ma force dhe nuk e shpreh kollaj .
Ky qendron fizikisht ma nelt dhe ajo me brishtesine e saj mbledh supet.
Partneri duket nga momenti ne moment qe do sillet ta perqafoje dhe pa pritun ti thote dicka dhe “ jam ketu “Partneri e ka reflektimin e thelle packa qe duket sikur mbahet fort ndersa ajo vec vuan e ky e njeh mire
Ka burrni plus dashuri e i kethehet me nje qetesi dhe me dy fjale “IKU “,mbaroi ,gjithcka eshte mire ,hap krahet ,
Ne fakt ai nuk e ndjen as nuk e shijon ate qe po ban .
Vetullat e mbledhuna ,prej se ndihet keq, por vazhdon e ka sepse ai nga natyra i ka ra per hise me tregu force ndryshe nga vajza qe e ka refuzu krejt ushqimin .
Ky i ndal lotet e ajo jo.
Ta shoh mire se me ka ik larg,as nuk po e sheh ushqimin qe i rrin aty
Due me pa ,me jep kohen te gjej pergjigjen pse jane prishaqejf
A e din pse:
Keto nuk jane te njohun tashti ato kane njohje te kahreshme dhe jane lendu per gjana te vogla .
Te dy kane investim bashke ,kane dinjitet dhe jo kryenaltesi ,kane maturi. Kur po “ debatonin “ kushdo qe do ti degjonte ,nuk do kuptonte se keto po prishin qejfin njeni tjetrir, kaq kane finese .
Ato e vlersojne investimin e tyre tash po e rivleresojne .
Mue me pelqen shume qendrimi i te dyve dhe pse jane me shpinde te kethyeme –ato jane bashke ,jane afer,i japin kohe vehtes ,respektojne veten ,momentin dhe te tyren ,
Vajza ka gabu dicka qe ky nuk e priste por jo me dashje .
Shkalla e natyra e gabimit nuk eshte e ulet,si me thane gabime te rendomta ,pork keta i karakterizon klasi i larte dhe ky “ gabim “ eshte pa shije ,pa vend ne te “ tyren “
A e din pse thashe se jane fazane ?Kushdo do ma kundershtonte ,sepse njohin fazanet me bukurine e tyre me ato pendet e hapuna plot shkelqim ,..
Keto ne fakt i kane mbyll e mbledh ne vetevete pendet e shkelqimi kane ra nga prishaqejfi .
Edhe ato paskan “ NE “