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A new aspect of art !

                                                                   Shkodra, on 14 March 2011

A new aspect of art

The fact is that the findings already fixed in the olive tree have created a new flat figurative .The finding genuine art in question, fixed objects or events in the body of the olive tree, follow the specific message, cause particular emotions and artistic pleasur e.The first contact with these artistic objects that make up present a new aspect of art cause a multitude of questions, which not all can be answered, because it is difficult to imagine further developments of this new genre of art . But I am convinced that however have questions and discussions about this new genre of art, will remain intact this conclusion, the creation of this plane was not  coincidence and that its author is not a person of a The most common standard.It is known the aphorism, formulated in the context of a discovery of "scientific fortuitously”, that chance Visits  smart people, hardworking and with a power intuition .The intuition, direct knowing not deliberative, not based on a meditative process, or express simple, hitting the mark without having full details, is the quality of a personality characterized by a meditative conclude, permanent.Hereby this process  that personality in the consciousness of his specific conclusions, which serve for the formation of conceptual tools that link between them and strictly tap every perception, a peek at a substantial element contained in device : "who does not believe in miracles is not realistic." The first contact with a new phenomenon that personality is not surprised, to wonder, will says to disunite  relations with the object, leave it, carrying with you a perception of its dreamy but categorizes it a new understanding of reality and for the deepening of this knowledge takes the status of a task concrete .this  is the process, I believe, which has passed through my friend Mr. M. Trepçi and has ensured that the status of the creators of a new plane of art.I want to assure readers that the drafter of this document accompanying the book "Emotions of Mother Nature" is  not surprised that Mr  M. Trepçi already has the status of the creators of a new plane of art figurative .He  found and has enjoyed over thirty years of knowledge and discussions with, logical sentence, often formulated by his epigrammatic way, products of a mediation conclude , permanent the extremely qualitative But, he initially presented his work and consistently creative of a special character with a global importance almost unjustifiable modesty by gingerly(bashfullnees) the reflex of his strong intuition that will be interpreted as paranoia. Despite my constant critique that the appearance of this new plane of art is not done with formulations that meet the level of this new genre of art, he preferred to leave him more appreciation of art specialists in national and international level. However, I like art admirers will try to give a tangible and concrete bulk feelings and emotions connected with the workings of my artistic impressions in the olive tree of Mr. M. Trepçi presented in exhibitions worthy of a special importance in international scale.Each work of art mediates a inarticulate  message, but with a certain semantic content, which causes a positive emotion, that the perceiver is an evocation of a satisfaction Certainly  all these occur within a given social context mediates .The artist  to the perceiver of beauty for the enjoyment he gets from reality .Must  definitely have a sufficient social approval that a certain act be done this act of art .Exactly this I want to thematic   and to problematic related findings  artistic works already artistic, fixed to the trunk of olive tree .working with olive wood  attention of the author of this new genre of art does not save images somehow dreamy fixed here .Instantly his powerful intuition suggests that in order to obsessive, that these objects represent the figurative crank and certain events of his human intuition .For his intuition it is  not nil  necessary to know the mechanism of creation to the olive tree of these wonders .The nature  with its read by his intuition as a reality because we archive of his consciousness, built by a conclude meditation , tapping the instrument which has this motto: "who does not believe in wonders is not realistic." quickly turns to him, that his findings represent objects that radiate messages cause certain and positive emotions and experiences that give a fun, short, these works represent the art. He , after this conclusion, continues to work with intensity and begins to increase the number of art works, now enable the opening of exhibitions .But  as any certain kind of art he must have the possibility of creating Following the artistic, procedure of his realization .That  issue represents an inevitable aspect of the discussion, which should confirm once again the productive force of  scepticism   .But  to bring closer this hasten to emphasize ideas that are suspected of creating these works of art remains coincidence particular genre because nobody tries to create them can not be made very sure that will crown with success his efforts, or with the pessimistic , that he will be able to happen before the ruins of his struggling efforts, engagement becomes very promising for the elaboration of techniques for successful completion of this artistic activity .The fact that  the author of this new plane of art has already available a plurality of such artistic works, shows clearly that such a thing is possible, but not for everyone, but only very few personalities, which makes obvious strength of this fascinating art form, already stretched quite so evident.A key issue so conditioned by its(one major thing that) is very complex specifications of this genre of art is the relation between nature and work of artist  to give quality product to artistic benefit .It is  quite clear that the artist, as always, but in this kind of art in particular, has outlined very tight space, within which he must move, that his work product is not moved from the status of the artistic work .But even here, as elsewhere, especially in the art world, he should dare to obtain the quality of its ambitions .He  must dare to hope that his intervention guarantees high quality, desired, which whenever it is deemed as a piece of art of its high artistic level(high artistic level estimate).For its art specific the artist’s  ambition for quality products represents a challenge, the virtuosity of which will mean the creation of an optimal ratio between the work of nature with the artist. For artistic products in this genre of art, in my opinion, this report has the status imperative and a reference permanent. ?Looked at products that are offered us in exhibitions of Mr M. Trepci, observer who is somewhat familiar with this kind of art best feels that this report is not everywhere is a value, which apparently comes, the author in certain products has not dared in those levels as in other cases(the viewer,who was wellacclimatized to this kind of art is determined that ratio is not  ) . But, however the author does not look that astonishes before picture  that  exposed during the work and  again dare .But, and the author of these lines, perhaps(might) dare , when assigned to train the works on display, but it nevertheless demonstrates how emotions and pleasure bring these works of genuine art , who also boldly pulse  aesthetic stoutness , because they allow you to feel in all its dimension  stone(brilant)aphorism , that "there is nothing more realistic than utopia." The utopia without any power(without power of utopia ) we would not be possible to experience  today those achievements and computer techniques that art affects the growth of this force as necessary for the advancement of mankind.Is quite evident, the art world today is different from that of yesterday, but in the context of the new plane, which has created impressions on the findings of the olive tree, the truth that the world of art changes every day gets a new dimension. It was lucky for all of us who belong to a certain culture, which is called dense Albanian culture, who is a member of this appertain author of this new plane of art.The author of this new plane of art gave a new proof of the authenticity of this aphorism European Stones: "Culture is not history of ideas, but of people concrete, unrepeatable."George Perluca Perluca George, professor of physics at the University of Shkodra in the years 1975 - 1997.Hartues, as coauthor, of several textbooks for students of physics, but also for other students in the Albanian universities.As a free zhurnalist has published many articles in Albanian newspapers, but also foreign."Culture is not history of ideas, but of people concrete, unrepeatable" Originally, in German: "niche Kultur Geschichte von Idee ist, sondern vom konkreten, you einmaligen Menschen"This aphorism, often quoted in Europe, is formulated by the German Richard von Weizsäcker ishpresidenti: Dude, Rede gut und richtig halten:"Who does not believe in miracles, is not realistic", in original, in German: "niche wer an die Wunder glaubt, ist der Digital Realis


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